
Article: The Sochi Connection – The Winter Olympics and the Circassians

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SOCHI OLYMPICS GENOCIDEThe 2014 Winter Games will be held in SOCHI, a Caucasian coastal city once homeland to almost 2 million Circassians who were beaten by the army of the Russian Czar and exiled to different destinations allover the world.

Most of these people perished en route being victims of disease, hunger and exhaustion and they were dispersed allover the world. Some traveled 3000 Km on foot or on ox-carts. Some roamed for 25 years before settling down. Today over 4 million Circassians live outside homeland in over 40 countries such as Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Israel, some parts of Europe and the United States. The author of these lines is of Circassian origian as well and is very proud to be so.

Coming back to the Olympic Games, most of us know the target of this worldwide event is to bring the world together in brotherhood and friendship and build strong relations between the peoples of the world.

Thus when the Olympic torch for the 2014 Winter Games was lit in Greece On Sept. 29, 2013 to start a 65,000-kilometer journey to Sochi, for many sport fans worldwide, this flame marked a celebratory moment of the world coming together in the spirit of “excellence”, “friendship”; and “respect” — core values of the Olympic Movement.

However, when it started its journey to Sochi, it also lit another flame for the spirit of a Diaspora community worldwide, the Circassians who called Sochi home before being expelled by Russian troops 150 years ago.

When in July 2007, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) chose Sochi as the host city for the 2014 Winter Olympics, the Circassian core was awakened worldwide, in sentiments and in actions. Thanks to the Internet and social media in particular, Circassians started to come together, united in their fury toward the Games. As expressed by a wise man, “choosing Sochi for the games” served to bring these scattered peoples together in outrage and trigger something in all of them. Shortly after the announcement, the initiators of the movement started connecting with Circassian organizations in Turkey, namely the Kafkas Forum, and organized demonstrations in Istanbul and New York City to not only protest the games but also to raise awareness on the Circassian tragedy.

The article below which is about the Winter Olympics in Sochi and the Circassians, was written by Merissa Khurma a Jordanian citizen of Circassian origin. We thank her and colleagues for all their efforts to draw the attention of the world to one of the most ruthless genocides throughout history, which (regretfully) not many people in the world are yet aware of.

Editor, BTT


The Sochi Connection: The Winter Olympics and the Circassians

On Sept. 29, 2013, the Olympic torch for the 2014 Winter Games was lit in Greece kicking off the torch’s 65,000-kilometer journey to Sochi.

For most sport fans worldwide, this flame marks a celebratory moment of the world coming together in the spirit of “excellence”, “friendship”; and “respect” — core values of the Olympic Movement.

However, as this symbolic beacon of togetherness travels to the Caucasian coastal city, another flame is burning — that of a Diaspora community, the Circassians, who called Sochi home before being ousted from it by Tsarist troops 150 years ago.

I am a descendent. This is my Sochi connection.

Like many Jordanians and other Middle Easterners of Circassian origin, I have neither visited Sochi nor other parts of the Northwestern Caucuses, the motherland of the Circassians. However, like other minorities across the region, I associate with my ethnic identity and all it embodies in history and culture.

Loyal to the countries they have migrated to in the late 19th century (then the Ottoman Empire), the Circassians have gently worked to preserve their cultural heritage through the magical folkloric dance, music and to a much lesser extent the language. In Jordan, for example, multiple Circassian cultural and charitable organizations have been set up as early as 1932. 


also read  Talking about GENOCIDES .. Remember Russia & Circassian exile?

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